Join By MIDNIGHT November 24th and SAVE $500 on the NEW & IMPROVED Fiction Writing Academy!


The step by step roadmap that will show you how to turn your brilliant book idea into fabulous fiction that SELLS!

For aspiring authors that are looking for clear, simple, and effective training on how to write a novel that WORKS so you can finally share your story with the world - and start making money doing what you LOVE!


Get Early Access to the NEW & IMPROVED Fiction Writing Academy at our LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT!

ONLY $799

Offer valid until the timer hits ZERO on November 24th @ MIDNIGHT (EST)

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve had a great idea for a novel swirling around in your mind for years…but you just don’t know where to start…

You’ve jotted down a few plot points, but whenever you sit down to actually write it your mind goes blank…or worse, you spend HOURS on a storyline that ends up going nowhere...

You’ve spent so much time researching, planning, and ideating, but at the end of the have very little to show for it.

You’re starting to wonder if you actually have what it takes to finish this thing.

Deep down, you KNOW you are a writer.

You know you have a story that needs to be told....

If you could just figure out how to get your ideas down on paper, the sky’s the limit on where you could go! 

You are sick and tired of this start and stop cycle and you are ready to gain some real momentum...

You just need the right person to tell you what to do so you can FINALLY turn your ideas into a fully formed story!


Learn how to confidently write a story you feel proud of while bypassing the self-doubt, frustration, and overwhelm that stops most writers in their tracks. 

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from coaching authors across all genres, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high-level theory behind writing a story that WORKS, but how to EXECUTE what you’re learning, too.

It's ALL laid out for you.

If you have an idea for a compelling story - I'll teach you everything you need to know to transform it into a WORK OF ART!

Inside Fiction Writing Academy, you will learn:

✔️ How to properly set a scene so that your readers can’t resist being drawn into your story.

✔️ How to create conflict and complications that will intrigue your readers and make it practically impossible for them to put your book down.

✔️ How to develop your story so that everything comes together to create the ultimate reader pleasing ending.

✔️ How to create characters that practically leap off the page and come to life.

✔️ How to craft realistic dialogue that will keep readers in the story and not take them out of it.

✔️ How to avoid mistakes other writers make that kill their stories and sabotage their earning potential.

But MOST importantly, you will FINALLY...

✨ Be confident in your ability and actually feel inspired to write when you sit down at your desk each day - no more overwhelm, confusion, and imposter syndrome.

✨ Feel empowered to achieve your goal of writing a fiction novel faster and easier than you ever imagined.

✨ Have a finished draft that you can be proud of.


Fiction Writing Academy has everything you need to write a bestselling book:

⚡️ Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft

⚡️ 10 easy-to-follow modules, each based on one of the essential components of a writer’s education.

⚡️ Comprehensive video lessons, with audio recordings, slides, and transcripts so you can digest the material in the way that’s best for you.

⚡️ Practical worksheets with each lesson, so you can absorb and understand what you learned.

⚡️ Membership to a private course website so you can access all the materials anytime, anywhere.

⚡️ Self-paced with lifetime access.


Let me ask you this…

What would it mean for you to finally write that book?

Imagine how good it will feel to hold your finished work in your hands...

To see your book on the shelves of your favorite bookstore...

To start building a community of people that have similar interests to you...

To actually GET PAID to do something that you truly love? 

Whether you are looking to make writing your full time career - or you are simply looking to take your creative hobby to the next level, being a published author has the power to completely TRANSFORM your life. 

I am here to be your personal coach and help you to not only finish your novel - but help you make it a BESTSELLER!

Are you ready?


The reviews are in...

"This course is the best start on the road to creativity.

This course has helped me to organise my approach and prioritise my time. Also, I've learned to carve out excess and ask myself the hard questions about my characters and story arc. I highly recommend, don't put it off."

Viki Blaik

"This course exceeded my expectations.

The lessons were well taught, organised and easy to understand. I loved all the helpful tips and tricks. I found this course very inspiring and would recommend it to others."

Niki Coxe

A 10-week writing program that teaches you everything you need to know to write fabulous fiction that SELLS!

Proven Roadmap

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from coaching authors across all genres, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program

Private Community

Join our group of motivated & supportive members who are writing books, just like you! You can get the help of myself and other students as work though the course and write your book!

Lifetime Access

Once you join FWA, you get access FOR LIFE! Take your time working through the course and revisit as many times as you need to.


$499 USD

Best value

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft 
  • 10 easy-to-follow modules, each based on one of the essential components of a writer’s education.
  • Comprehensive video lessons, with audio recordings, slides, and transcripts so you can digest the material in the way that’s best for you.
  • Practical worksheets with each lesson, so you can absorb and understand what you learned.
  • Membership to a private course website so you can access all the materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Self-paced with lifetime access.

To pay $699 AUD, CLICK HERE




$299 USD

Pay over time

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft
  • 10 easy-to-follow modules, each based on one of the essential components of a writer’s education.
  • Comprehensive video lessons, with audio recordings, slides, and transcripts so you can digest the material in the way that’s best for you.
  • Practical worksheets with each lesson, so you can absorb and understand what you learned.
  • Membership to a private course website so you can access all the materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Self-paced with lifetime access.

To pay $399 AUD x 2, CLICK HERE

To pay ÂŁ249 GBP x 2, CLICK HERE



When Fiction Writing Academy officially relaunches in early 2024 it will be $1299.

As a thank you for being a loyal follower, we're giving you:

EARLY BIRD ACCESS and $500 off.

If you join before MIDNIGHT on November 24th, you can lock in LIFETIME ACCESS for a one-time payment of only $799.

This is the LOWEST price you will ever see this program being offered.

So, if you are looking for a comprehensive training on how to write powerful fiction that need to take advantage of this AMAZING offer! 


Have further questions about the program?

I want to make sure you have all of the info you need.

I've opened up some time on my calendar to meet with you 1:1 and answer any questions you have.

By the end of the call, you'll know if Fiction Writing Academy is the right place for you! 


Let's take a closer look at what you'll learn inside Fiction Writing Academy

I've filled this course with EVERYTHING you need to write a compelling novel that SELLS! Just scrolling through the modules, I'm sure that you will find a number of trainings that will have you saying, "YES, I need that!"

Well, rest easy my friend, your days of staring at a blank screen are GONE...


Module 1

Bestseller Secrets

In this module, we’re going to take a deep dive into the content genre of your story. I’ll show you how your genre can become the roadmap for writing a story that works and meets readers' expectations.

You will learn:

  • The Supply and Demand Secret
  • Your Ideal reader
  • Stand-alone v Series
Module 2

Bestselling Characters

In this module, you'll flesh out your cast of characters. I'll show you how to take the required elements of your genre and develop them further so that they feel unique and specific to your particular story.

What you'll learn:

  • Heros and protagonists and why we love them
  • Supporting character archetypes and why we need them
  • How to develop and flesh out a cast of three-dimensional characters
Module 3

Plot Twists

In this module, you’re going to start outlining! Whether you're a plotter or a pantster you should have a rough idea of where your story is going. This module will help you nut out the story arc without stifling your creativity.

What you'll learn:

  • Preparing to outline
  • Types of plot structures
  • 6 Stage Plot Structure and how to make it work for you
Module 4

Dialogue & Body Language

Who says what, when and how actions can speak louder than words.

What you'll learn:

  • Techniques of crafting effective dialogue that sounds natural and realistic, as well as
  • How to use body language to convey emotions and add depth to your characters.
  • How dialogue and body language work together to bring scenes to life
Module 5

Point of View

In this module you'll learn how to create each character's voice so that they become whole, unique individuals. We'll also discuss the different points of view your story can be told by.

What You'll Learn:

  • Common points of view and which would best suit your story
  • Creating your main character's unique voice
  • How to alternate POV and avoid head hopping
Module 6

Setting & World Building

Whether you're setting your book in medieval Europe, a planet of your own creation or in current time Montana you will need to know your settings and world in depth so it can be understood to your reader.

What you'll learn:

  • The importance of setting and worldbuilding
  • Creating your own world
  • Adding details your readers will love
Module 7

Goal, Motivation, & Conflict

How bestselling novels use goal, motivation and conflict wisely and how you can use them to enhance your story.

What you'll learn:

  • Why goal, motivation and conflict is important in making your story the best it can be
  • How to design your goals, motivation, and conflict for each of your characters
  • Build tougher villains, raise the stakes, and increase tension
Module 8


When it comes to actually putting words on the screen there are a guidelines i'd recommend you follow. This will save both you and your editor time (and money) and keep your reader loving your style and staying in the story.

What you'll learn:

  • How to craft page-turning sentences
  • Why you need to show AND tell in each of your scenes (and when to do which)
  • How to get your pacing just right
Module 9

Getting to The End

In this module, we’ll talk about how to make it to “The End” of your draft in the most efficient way possible. This module is all about giving you clarity (and all of my remaining tips and tricks) so that you feel confident and ready to write a satisfying ending.

What you'll learn:

  • Tips for finishing your draft in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • How to troubleshoot the most common issues that pop up as you write
  • How to set up the next book to keep readers hooked
Module 10


Now that you've finished your first draft its time to clean it up. Here we'll go through some techniques and tips to make your manuscript uniform and easy to read.

What you'll learn:

  • A lesson in grammar and punctuation
  • Common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Proper industry formatting and what this looks like


To help you finish your draft even quicker, you'll get access to these AMAZING bonuses:


Access To Our Private Writers Group

Our community is full of helpful, motivated, and supportive members who are writing books, just like you. You can pop into the group to ask questions, discuss what you’re learning, and get the help of myself and other students as you make your way through the course.



DIY Editing Checklist

With our checklist, you'll have everything you need to ensure that your novel shines. From plot structure to character development, we cover all the essential elements. Each item on the checklist is carefully crafted by industry experts to guide you through the process and ensure your novel meets the highest standards.



Your First 3 Chapters Assessed by me!

When you are ready, I will personally edit and assess your first three chapters and give you my professional opinion on how to tighten your story and make readers fall in love with it. 





Personalised Feedback From Sarah!


When you join today you are automatically entitled to have a FREE 3 Chapter assessment from me! 


When you are ready, I will personally edit and assess your first three chapters and give you my professional opinion on how to tighten your story and make it more compelling.

With a keen eye and professional insight, I will provide you with detailed feedback on how to refine your narrative, enhance its flow, and inject elements that will captivate your audience, ensuring readers fall deeply in love with your story.

What’s better than having an expert mentor right by your side while you embrace these creative concepts — AND a vibrant community of authors who are immersing themselves in the content along with you?

If you’ve been looking for an “excuse” to join – NOW is the time!


Fiction Writing Academy is PERFECT for you if...

👏 You’re just getting started and want to do it right.   

👏 You have a GREAT idea for a book—but you don’t know how to get started.

👏 You’re SO over wasting time and energy trying all the different strategies you found online or in craft books. You want a proven path to follow so you can finally finish your book.

👏 You’ve started writing a draft already, but now you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated with your progress. You’re not afraid of doing the work, but you’re confused about how to move forward.

👏 You have a first draft but it’s not great and you want to make it better before submitting it to agents or self-publishing. You’re open to change if it means writing a story that works.

👏 You’d rather spend time doing the things you love (with the people you love) than spend your time trying to figure out how to write a book.


I'm offering you a 7-day risk-free guarantee

If you decide Fiction Writing Academy isn’t for you, no worries! You can request a refund within 7 days of purchase and I'll give you all of your money back.

I believe so strongly in the contents of this program that I want you to see how life-changing this method can be, risk-free.

Due to the digital nature of this program, if you contact me more than 7 days after your purchase, I will not be able to offer a refund.


What our students are saying...

Abbe Bryant

Sarah has always been the go-to for writing and publishing questions within the community. When she announced her course I thought, yay! Now I can pay to pick her brains all at once! She is so inspirational to writers of all kinds of ages and genres. If you could learn just a portion of her processes and what she knows you’d be a better writer.

Heather Reyburn

From the very beginning of my journey into writing, I have been lucky to have had Sarah as a teacher, mentor and friend. Sarah’s knowledge of the industry is extensive – not only with writing, but with marketing, audiobooks, social media and publishing. Her help and ongoing enthusiasm are valuable and appreciated. Thank you Sarah!

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Fiction Writing Academy

I can't wait to help you write your novel...


Hi! I'm Sarah

As a Bestselling Author and certified editor, I’m passionate about helping fiction authors write, edit, and publish their books.

After many years of working with writers one-on-one, I've developed a repeatable, step-by-step process that makes writing a novel feel less overwhelming and more fun. 

And that's exactly what I’ll share with you in this course.

There’s no fancy jargon. No overcomplicated strategies.

You can count on clear, simple, and effective guidance that helps you finish your novel in the most efficient way possible so that you can finally share your story with the world.

So, if you're looking for a program that can save you time and money—and even make you fall in love with writing again—then, there's no better one than this!


It's all laid out for you


Join Fiction Writing Academy

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email with your login details.


Follow Our Proven Roadmap

Dive into the content and start outlining your novel. Can't start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course material.


Write Fiction That SELLS

Finally feel confident that you have the skills to hit your goals. You'll have everything you need to write your first bestselling book!


Eileen Crofts

Completing the Fiction Writing Academy was a revelation with all the helpful pointers and I never knew there were so many filter words! I applied myself to your advice and set to killing very many darlings!
I have now revised and re-edited it numerous times and cut the length. I'm now feeling very confident to submit it to publishers. Thank you, Sarah!




$499 USD

Best value

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft
  • 10 easy-to-follow modules, each based on one of the essential components of a writer’s education.
  • Comprehensive video lessons, with audio recordings, slides, and transcripts so you can digest the material in the way that’s best for you.
  • Practical worksheets with each lesson, so you can absorb and understand what you learned.
  • Membership to a private course website so you can access all the materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Self-paced with lifetime access.

To pay $699 AUD, CLICK HERE

To pay £399 GBP, CLICK HERE

PAY $499 USD


$299 USD

Pay over time

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft 
  • 10 easy-to-follow modules, each based on one of the essential components of a writer’s education.
  • Comprehensive video lessons, with audio recordings, slides, and transcripts so you can digest the material in the way that’s best for you.
  • Practical worksheets with each lesson, so you can absorb and understand what you learned.
  • Membership to a private course website so you can access all the materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Self-paced with lifetime access.

To pay $399 AUD x 2, CLICK HERE

To pay £249 GBP x 2, CLICK HERE

PAY $299 USD x 2


When Fiction Writing Academy officially relaunches in early 2024 it will be $1299.

Since you are a loyal follower, we're giving you:

EARLY BIRD ACCESS and $500 off.

If you join before MIDNIGHT on November 24th, you can lock in LIFETIME ACCESS for a one-time payment of only $799.

This is the LOWEST price you will ever see this program being offered.

So, if you are looking for a comprehensive training on how to write powerful fiction that need to take advantage of this AMAZING offer! 

It's time for you to write a piece of fiction that matches your vision and connects with your ideal readers so you can finally become a bestselling author! 

What are you waiting for? 

Have further questions about the program?

I want to make sure you have all of the info you need.

I've opened up some time on my calendar to meet with you 1:1 and answer any questions you have.

By the end of the call, you'll know if Fiction Writing Academy is the right place for you!