20 Healthy Habits That Will Make You A Better Writer

Jun 07, 2022

Every Monday morning I feel like I need to reset my life. Usually the weekend has been hectic with the kids and their busy schedule of soccer games, dance classes and sleep overs. My daily routine takes a break over the weekend while I am present with my family and spend quality time with my tribe.

On Monday morning I look at this list - which my life coach once gave me - and start ticking them off one by one. Just the act of ticking or crossing things off a list is immensely satisfying for me! By the end of the day I have achieved a lot and am ready for whatever life may throw at me next. I encourage you to give it a try.

Download my 20 Healthy Habits list

20 Healthy Habits:

  1.  Wake up early
  2.  Plan your day ahead
  3.  Daily Meditation
  4.  Journal
  5.  Practice Gratitude 
  6.  Make time for self-care
  7. Declutter your home and closet regularly 
  8.  Set goals for yourself and make sure you are moving forward
  9.  Value your time alone
  10.  Be consistent 
  11.  Prioritze your health by eating healthy and clean food
  12. Challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone
  13. Plan an adventure 
  14.  Be in control of your finances
  15.  Say YES to the things you want to do (even if it may seem scary)
  16.  Manage your emotions
  17.  Learn something new everyday
  18.  Take advice from people who already have the result you want
  19.  Don't make excuses
  20.  Just start!

I have created a very special Habit Tracker just for you! You can download it and this list for FREE right now so you can start building these habits into your routine today.



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