Your easy guide to outlining your NaNoWriMo novel

Oct 14, 2022

Are you joining me for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this November?

Here's some tips to help you win:


Choosing what to write about

The three foundations of any story are the plot, the characters, and the audience.

When it comes to effective writing, understanding your audience is key.

If you want to sell your book in the future, you'll need to make it appeal to your target audience.This is why reading new books in your genre and age target is so important while you prepare for NaNoWriMo.


Outlining your book is a crucial step in the writing process, and there are several ways to go about it.

Before you start writing your novel, it is crucial to have a well-built framework for the story. You need to make sure that your premise is interesting enough to fill an entire book. Otherwise, it's not worth your time. Make sure you have a one-sentence story concept that defines the main character and his goal before anything else.

Join the waitlist for the FREE 5 day Outline Your Novel Challenge starting February 2023

Consider writing a chapter-by-chapter outline. When you've decided on a concept, continue by developing a chapter-by-chapter outline. Take the time to plan your story from start to end before you begin writing; this will help you know the goal of each scene and streamline the process.

Maybe a “skeleton outline” will be more to your liking. Sketch out the main dramatic moments and key points of contention so you have a beginning point to build from. Hit those big events so that the tale has meaning and direction. Then you'll have time to write rather than attempting to figure out what happens next.

Don't forget to include your worldbuilding, continuity, and chain of events. It's a good idea to plan for backstory, geography, culture, specialized expertise, or technological solutions ahead of time.


Develop strong characters

Your characters need to be believable and relatable if you want people to connect with them.

To make your characters feel real, start by giving them flaws and making them three-dimensional. Make sure they have wants and needs, and that their dialogue furthers the plot.

Consider their backstory and motivation

Every character has a past that shapes who they are, so take some time to figure out your characters' histories before you start writing. What experiences have they had that led them to where they are now?

Your characters should also have motivation—a reason for doing what they do. What is it that they want? Why do they want it? What are they willing to do to get it?

Make sure your characters grow and change. Your characters should grow and change over the course of the story. They should be affected by their experiences, and their development should be believable.

One way to make sure your characters grow and change is to put them in conflict. What obstacles are they trying to overcome? How does this affect their relationships with other characters?


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