Stop head hopping now – a fiction secret revealed
Mar 31, 2023Head hopping in fiction writing is an often misunderstood phenomenon that can ruin the readers' experience of your work. It involves switching between characters’ points of view (POV) without signaling the change and can lead to confusion among readers as to who is speaking or feeling what. In order for a story to be effective, it must stay within the point of view of one character, allowing for a consistent narrative experience.
One way to avoid head hopping is by focusing on the primary character and telling their story from their perspective. You should avoid too much detail about other characters’ inner thoughts and feelings unless it helps tell your protagonist’s story as well. If you must jump between characters, be sure to signal the shift so readers can easily follow along. This might include a chapter break, scene break, or a line like “Meanwhile…” at the start of a new section.
Another important aspect of avoiding head hopping is to limit how much information the narrator includes in their scenes. While you may be tempted to give an overview of everyone involved in the scene, this can quickly lead to head hopping as each character’s perspective adds more layers that need to be managed. Instead, focus on just one character and allow them to share only what we need from there point-of-view. This creates a clearer narrative thread that guides readers through your story without any major detours due to head hopping.
Finally, it's important for authors to remember that not all POVs are equal in terms of importance when trying to avoid head hopping. Make sure you make only one character the star of your story and keep their POV—and their reactions—at the center of each scene with limited insight into what other characters are feeling or thinking. This will help keep your story focused on its main point-of-view character while still allowing you room for exploration into other characters if necessary.
By following these tips, authors can look forward to constructing tighter stories with fewer chances for confusion due to head hopping and make sure they stay firmly within their chosen primary POV throughout the entire book!
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